Original and practical Legal English materials
After more than 5 years of planning, preparation and edition of original materials focused on different areas of law, I have now compiled almost 100 (original) exercises based on videos that address legal issues. The videos may consist of legal news from various US networks (PBS, Fox, CNN, etc.), fragments of popular movies or TV series, etc. What all of them have in common is their useful legal content; subject matter that is interesting and in many cases controversial, addressing current (legal) issues that lend themselves to debates and conversations.
The exercises are divided into different groups, such as: commercial law; litigation; civil (tort) law; constitutional law; international law; employment law, etc. The questions serve as a guide, helping students focus on the key points, emphasizing the terminology and fundamental expressions in each video (and area of law).
The exercises also contain an answer key that could be very useful to instructors who are not necessarily specialized in this area or who don’t have legal background, but rather who deal with legal English on an occasional basis.
These exercises, based on legal news from the US and Europe, are being developed weekly or monthly, according to my availability and agenda, so my portfolio continues to grow. As an example, two of the more recent of such exercises are presented here:
If you are interested in subscribing to my mailing list to receive 4 exercises monthly (one each week) for a price of 16 euros/month, click the following PayPal button.
If you wish to continue receiving the exercises beyond the first month you have two options: repeat the payment every 30 days or prepay several months in advance (in which case you would need to multiply 16 euros by the number of months you wish to continue receiving the exercises).
I also entertain other requests for such original exercises (for example, on occasional basis and/or of more personalized nature), the details and conditions of which would need to be agreed directly via email.